Micro Moon Cycle Tracking
I put together a calendar with time blocks around the different parts of the moon cycle with 5-7 day blocks of expectations. I broke them down into six sub-sections.

Stakeholder Capitalism +
"A Wisdom Officer is not a foreign concept. They have been in every culture in the world, dating back over 35,000 years. Only in the last few hundred years have we cut them out."

Conscious Creativity
It's a different way of looking at the world—matching vibrations vs deadlines. This non-linear approach is well-matched for Conscious Creativity. We can have an all-access pass, but certain rides are more open on specific days & times without the wait.

Buddhism is Boring
"Trying to experience spirituality through the lens of the mind is like trying to experience sex through an Excel spreadsheet."

Universal Intelligence™
Universal Intelligence™ is not a figment of the imagination, the result of some human longing for a universal force more significant than ourselves.