Therapists Healing Group

December 5, 2023
6:30 pm
8:00 pm

Need help clearing the energetic plaque that accumulates from helping others?

Cass Redstone will be sharing her innovative secrets for releasing energies from the body, mind & soul. This group was divinely inspired to help therapists' heal from the inevitable transference of energy from helping others. Whether you are in the mental health or physical health fields, this group was designed for your long term health and well being.

It is a healing community for therapists, bodyworkers, and healing arts professionals. We focus on innovative healing methods to honor and let go of the daily work. This is a safe space to share and learn innovative and proven methods to support the constant letting go. This a collaborative, non-hierarchical, kind, and loving community.

Bend, OR Dec 5th 6:30pm-8pm. Hanai Foundation.